2021 US Labor Day holiday market schedule
Dear traders,
Please note that due to the upcoming US Labor Day holiday, our trading hours for certain instruments will be slightly modified.
All times given are in Eastern European Summer Time (EEST), which is the MetaTrader platform’s time zone.
CFD Instruments and Futures CFDs Metals BRENT CRUDOIL (WTI) NGAS [Canada60] [DAX30] [DJI30] [FTSE100] [JP225] [NQ100] [SP500] Stock & ETF CFDs US ARABICA COCOA COTTON ORANGE.JUICE SUGAR.RAW SUGAR.WHITE |
Monday, September 6 Closes 20:00 Closes 20:30 Closes 20:00 Closes 20:00 Closed Closes 23:00 Closes 20:00 Closes 23:00 Closes 20:00 Closes 20:00 Closes 20:00 Closed Closed Closed Closed Closed Closed Closes 19:00 |
Futures CFDs | |
USTNote USDX Volatility |
Closes 20:00 Closes 20:00 Closes 18:30 |
Exchange-traded products | |
Stocks US | Closed |
N.B. “Normal Hours” vary depending on the instrument. Please find specific details for each instrument in the Contract Specifications section of our website. Also, please be aware that the trading hours indicated above may be subject to change, depending on the respective exchanges or liquidity providers; changes in trading hours also may affect applicable pre-close terms.
Kind regards,