Admiral Markets among the top 10 exporters in Estonia
Admiral Markets Group AS reached the top 10 in the Exporter of the Year Award at the Enterprise Estonia's Entrepreneurship Award. The Entrepreneurship Award competition is the highest recognition in the country for outstanding and progressive companies.
Under the leadership of the Enterprise Estonia and Estonian Employers' Confederation, this year's competition is being held for the 19th time. Sergei Bogatenkov, CEO of Admiral Markets, which reached the top ten for the first time, welcomed such a success story and said that although the company started operations in Estonia already 18 years ago and Tallinn remains their home office, their business takes mostly place in export markets. "I am very pleased that we were able to compete successfully with other companies in such a highly competitive category and showed that the fintech industry is definitely one of the best-known global business cards of Estonia today."
According to Sergei Bogatenkov, the company will continue expansion into new export markets this year and will focus more on emerging markets beyond its already existing strong position in Europe. "There is certainly reason to talk about Estonia as a successful exporter in a wider sense. The Entrepreneurship competition is excellent proof that local companies are doing great things outside our home country."