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Admiral Markets Cyprus Ltd on asutatud (asutamistunnistus nr HE 310328) Küprose Vabariigis äriregistri pidaja ja riikliku pankrotihalduri ameti (Republic of Cyprus through the Department of the Registrar of Companies and Official Receiver) kaudu ( Admiral Markets Cyprus Ltd-le on andnud tegevusloa ja tema tegevust reguleerib Cyprus Securities and Exchange Commission ( (tegevusluba nr 201/13) ning ta tegutseb finantsinstrumentide turgude direktiivi (ELi direktiiv 2004/39/EÜ) alusel.


Kliendid esitavad kaebused elektroonilises vormis, saates vastava e-kirja aadressil [email protected]

1.2. Admiral Markets Cyprus Ltd may accept complaints in other formats if the requirement of the specified format is not practical or reasonable under the circumstances.

Kui kaebus esitatakse muus kui elektroonilises vormis, siis teavitatakse kaebuse esitajat vorminõuetest ja kanalist ning kaebuse esitajal palutakse esitada kaebus elektroonilises vormis, võttes arvesse mõistlikkuse põhimõtet.

Klient esitab kaebuses järgmise teabe:

  • kliendi nimi;
  • contact information;
  • kontonumber;
  • kaebuse aluseks olevate asjaolude aeg;
  • asjaomaste korralduste ja positsioonide identifitseerimisnumbrid;
  • rikkumise kirjeldus;
  • selge nõue ning võimaluse korral nõuet toetavad dokumendid või nende koopiad.

1.5. At the customer’s request Admiral Markets Cyprus Ltd shall provide reasonable assistance for the formalization of complaints in the form of general guidelines.

1.6. Admiral Markets Cyprus Ltd shall have the right to refrain from reviewing a complaint that does not comply with the format requirements.

1.7. Complaints shall be filed within five (5) business days of the occurrence of the circumstances, which constitute the basis the complaint. Admiral Markets Cyprus Ltd has the right to refrain from reviewing a complaint that was filed after the aforementioned term.

1.8. Resolution of a complaint begins with the filing of the complaint by a client and ends with a response from Admiral Markets Cyprus Ltd to the applicant or with a compromise agreement.

1.9. Immediately after filing a complaint Admiral Markets Cyprus Ltd shall inform the client whether in writing or orally, or by other agreed means of communication of the complaint procedure and its deadlines, as well as in the case of refusal to hear the complaint and the reasoning behind it.

1.10. Complaints of natural persons shall be resolved within seven (7) business days from receipt of the complaint and legal entities within fourteen (14) business days from receipt of the complaint by Admiral Markets Cyprus Ltd.

Kui lahendamine hilineb tingituna kaebuse keerulisest laadist või edasiste asjaolude selgitamisest, siis teavitatakse kaebuse esitajat sellest kirjalikku taasesitamist võimaldavas vormis, teatades kaebuse esitajale uue tähtaja kaebuse vastuse jaoks.

1.12. Generally Admiral Markets Cyprus Ltd shall provide the customer with a written reply to a written complaint, unless the client`s complaint is answered orally, and there is reason to assume that the client has no need for a written answer. Admiral Markets Cyprus Ltd may provide the answer to the client in any of the other agreed means of communication in an agreed format.