Sustainability Committee
To oversee and guide our approach, we've established a Sustainability Committee, a cross-functional team comprising of Board members and business leaders from across our regional offices, led by our Group Head of Sustainability.
- Provide strong governance of the sustainability strategy across the Group
- Effectively manage the risks in our operating environment
- Recognise and capture the opportunities presented
- Integration of Our Tomorrow into our global operations and decision making
- Cross-functional transparency and collaboration
- Alignment with the regulatory requirements
- Orient the Group’s triple bottom line: People, Planet, Profit
- Approve strategic sustainability plans
- Provide updates/obtain feedback from the Board
- Approve sustainability practices
- Bring together internal networks to deliver against sustainability goals
- Define, deliver and measure KPIs
- Accountability of Our Tomorrow strategy and performance
- Provide strategic direction
- Board representation
- Committee members are cross-functional/cross-geography senior leaders
- Regular meetings throughout the year, to drive Our Tomorrow strategy
- Subcommittee formed to help deliver sustainability goals
- A permanent structure within Infinix Trade
Sustainability subcommittee
- Broader employee collaboration to embed sustainable practices into our DNA
- Proactive members impassioned by sustainability matters
- Constituents are cross-functional/cross-geography to drive implementation
- Provide updates on developments to Sustainability Committee
- Track and measure developments/data capture
our tomorrow
Sustainability Committee
Albert Soleiman
Chief Financial Officer
Matthew Lewis
Head of Asia Pacific & Canada
Tracy Costello
Chief Risk Officer
Tom Faulkner
Head of IT Production
Luke Welch
Head of Marketing, Product & Analytics
Craig Inglis
Head of Europe
Lana Thornycroft
Group Head of Corporate Development
Roy Tooley
Company Secretary
Laurence Booth
Global Head of Capital Markets
Nick Bratton
Group Head of Human Resources
Georgina Yik
Impact Manager
Georgia Wright
Personal Assistant