Gestão De Ativos
As a professional Asset Manager or manager of a small Hedge fund, you need a secure and customizable platform for efficient cooperation with your Investors.
We are excited to offer you the most innovative and secure Asset Management platform in partnership with Finexware.

Meet the new Asset Management Platform
É uma plataforma de alto nível que permite-te entrar no negócio da Gestão de Ativos sem os enormes custos de uma grande infraestrutura. Poderás personalizar totalmente a aparência da tua plataforma em termos de cooperação com os teus investidores.

As an Asset Manager, you can:
- Have your own branded professional Asset Manager platform
- Set up flexible commission models (Performance fee, Management fee, Subscription fee) with automated periodical payments
- Provide your investors with a great service with a high level of convenience, detail and visualisation
- Ganhe uma grande liquidez da Admirals para mais de 8,000 dos instrumentos de negociação mais desejáveis, incluindo as principais ações, ETFs e CFDs
Your Investors will get:
- A user-friendly platform with great visualisation of data and portfolio performance
- Flexible control of risk settings and limits
- The ability to follow any of your strategies with their own risk settings and to compose a portfolio of strategies

Find out more about Asset Management
If you have questions about Asset Management, we have the answers! Check out our Frequently Asked Questions. If you don`t find the answer you`re looking for, contact our Customer Support.
Asset Management and Copy Trading are different products for different traders.
Em primeiro lugar, como um Gestor de Ativos, receberá a sua própria versão de marca da Plataforma. Com o serviço Copy Trading, utilizará a infraestrutura comum da Admirals.
Asset Management is full Account Management (the Investor cannot trade on his account). As for Copy Trading, at the same time, Subscribers can use Copy Trading and trade in their account themselves. Also, Subscribers can close or modify orders that have been copied.
Para se tornar um Asset Manager, precisa de fornecer os documentos relevantes comprovando com um histórico e capacidades, então a Finexware e a Admirals devem verificar se o futuro Gestor de Ativos preenche todos os requisitos. Sinta-se à vontade para entrar em contato com [email protected] para qualquer dúvida.
Asset Manager will be able to set the commissions themselves:
- Performance Fee:up to 50%
- Management Fee: up to 5% from AUM (Amount under Management)
- Subscription fee: up to 300$ per month
Preencha a caixa “Experimente a plataforma" e receberá 2 emails: um da Admirals e um da Finexware. Por favor, abra o email da Finexware e siga as instruções.
There are both live and demo versions.
First, you need to register for the demo version of the platform (you can do it through our “Try the platform" box). After registering and logging into the platform, you can order a licence for live mode.
Deposits and Withdrawals procedure is the same as for all other account types.
This is not currently planned.