Account Opening Procedures
Before you open an account with us and start trading, we ask that you familiarise yourself with the agreements and other documents pertaining to Admirals Europe Ltd. These documents serve to inform you about our legal responsibilities and our general business practices. You can find our Terms & Conditions, as well as other important documents, within the Documents and Policies section of our website. You can also request a copy of these documents by calling us directly on +357 22205973, or by sending us an email at [email protected].
To start your account opening procedure, please register in the Dashboard.
Documents Needed – Individuals:
- A copy of your valid photo identification document (ID - Passport or government-issued identification card).
- Proof of residence (such as a utility bill, government-issued letter, etc.) which is not older than 3 months old and contains your full residential address.
A Client Agreement – automatically generated via your Dashboard once an application for a Live account has been completed.
- Please note that for the purposes of KYC (know-your-customer), Admirals Europe Ltd. may require you to submit additional documents in cases where the above mentioned documents are deemed insufficient.
Documents needed for other EU and EEA legal entities:
- Passport or government-issued ID card with photo for the person acting on behalf of the legal entity;
Extract of the register or registration certificate of the legal person (Certificate of Incorporation or Certificate of Organisation) or a notarised transcript thereof, containing:
- name of the legal person, field of activity, seat and address of the enterprise;
- registration number and date of registration;
- names, places of residence and personal identification codes of the members of the directing body;
- date of issuance of the document;
NB! The submitted documents may not be older than 6 months.
If legal persons have been registered in other registers not listed above, they have to submit the following:
- Memorandum and/or Articles of Association;
- Registration certificate issued by a register provided by legislation;
- Document certifying the authorisation of the legal representative(s) (depending on the basis of representation right);
- Recent utility bill confirming the place of business.
Please note that Admirals Europe Ltd representatives have a right to request additional documents (such as notarized power of attorney, utility bills, bank statements etc) if deemed necessary apply due diligence measures for the prevention of money laundering and terrorist financing.
Documents Describing the Terms and Conditions of the Services Offered by Admirals Europe Ltd.
You should review, understand and accept all of the following documents before opening a trading account:
- Payment Terms and Conditions (valid as of 29.05.2024)
- Admirals Europe Ltd (previously known as Admiral Markets Cyprus Ltd.) Investment Firm License
- Order Execution Policy (valid as of 29.05.2024)
- Investor Compensation Fund (valid as of 29.05.2024)
- Privacy Policy
- Cookie Policy
- Terms and Conditions (valid as of 19.11.2024)
- Terms of Securities Trading (valid as of 25.09.2024)
- Risk Disclosure (valid as of 29.05.2024)
- Securities Trading Risk Disclosure Statement (valid as of 29.05.2024)
- Fractional Shares and Fractional ETFs Trading Disclosure (valid as of 29.05.2024)
- Complaint Handling Policy (valid as of 14.11.2024)
- Client Categorisation (valid as of 29.05.2024)
- Conflict of Interest Policy (valid as of 29.05.2024)
- Leverage Policy (valid as of 29.05.2024)
- Negative Account Balance Protection Policy for Retail Clients (valid as of 29.05.2024)
- Negative Account Balance Protection Policy for Professional Clients (valid as of 29.05.2024)
- Terms and Conditions of Islamic (Swap-free) account (valid as of 29.05.2024)
- Notice of Specific Consents (valid as of 29.05.2024)
Key Information Documents
- Key Information Document - CFD on a Forex currency pair (valid as of 29.05.2024)
- Key Information Document - CFD on an Index (valid as of 29.05.2024)
- Key Information Document - CFD on a Commodity (valid as of 29.05.2024)
- Key Information Document - CFD on an Equity (valid as of 29.05.2024)
- Key Information Document - CFD on a Bond (valid as of 29.05.2024)
- Key Information Document - CFD on a Cryptocurrency (valid as of 29.05.2024)
- Key Information Document - CFD on an Exchange-traded Fund (valid as of 29.05.2024)
Key Investor Information Documents
Additional Documents
- Risk Management Disclosures 2021
- Execution Quality Summary Statement (30.04.2024) (ENG)
- Execution Quality Summary Statement (30.04.2023) (ENG)
- Website Terms of Use
-   Terms of Use of the SMS Notification Service (valid as of 29.05.2024)
- Excess of loss policy evidence of cover
- Qontigo Index GmbH Index Disclaimer
- Execution report for the 3rd quarter of 2024 (RTS 27)
- Execution report for the 2nd quarter of 2024 (RTS 27)
- Execution report for the 1st quarter of 2024 (RTS 27)
- Execution report for the 4th quarter of 2023 (RTS 27)
- Execution report for the 3rd quarter of 2023 (RTS 27)
- Execution report for the 2nd quarter of 2023 (RTS 27)
- Execution report for the 1st quarter of 2023 (RTS 27)
- Disclosures and Market Discipline
- Inducements Statement (valid as of 29.05.2024)
Archive of Past Documents
- Admirals Europe Ltd Investment Firm License
- Admiral Markets Cyprus Ltd. Investment Firm License
- Order Execution Policy (valid as of 23.11.2023)
- Order Execution Policy (valid as of 12.05.2022)
- Order Execution Policy (valid as of 01.09.2019)
- Payment Terms and Conditions (valid as of 23.11.2023)
- Payment Terms and Conditions (valid as of 19.01.2018)
- Investor Compensation Fund (valid as of 23.11.2023)
- Investor Compensation Fund
- Privacy Policy
- Terms and Conditions (valid as of 29.05.2024)
- Terms and Conditions (valid as of 23.11.2023)
- Terms and Conditions (valid as of 29.06.2021)
- Terms and Conditions (valid as of 01.09.2017)
- Terms and Conditions
- Risk Disclosure (valid as of 23.11.2023)
- Risk Disclosure
- Securities Trading Risk Disclosure Statement (valid as of 23.11.2023)
- Securities Trading Risk Disclosure Statement
- Complaint Handling Policy (valid as of 29.05.2024)
- Complaint Handling Policy (valid as of 23.11.2023)
- Complaint Handling Policy (valid as of 20.07.2021)
- Complaint Handling Policy (valid as of 14.06.2013)
- Client Categorisation (valid as of 23.11.2023)
- Client Categorisation
- Conflict of Interest Policy (valid as of 23.11.2023)
- Conflict of Interest Policy (valid as of 12.05.2022)
- Conflict of Interest Policy (valid as of 17.08.2021)
- Leverage Policy (valid as of 23.11.2023)
- Leverage Policy
- Negative Account Balance Protection Policy for Retail Clients (valid as of 23.11.2023)
- Negative Account Balance Protection Policy for Retail Clients
- Negative Account Balance Protection Policy for Professional Clients (valid as of 23.11.2023)
- Negative Account Balance Protection Policy for Professional Clients (valid as of 04.02.2021)
- Negative Account Balance Protection Policy for Professional Clients
- Terms and Conditions of Islamic (Swap-free) account (valid as of 23.11.2023)
- Terms and Conditions of Islamic (Swap-free) account
- Notice of Specific Consents (valid as of 23.11.2023)
- Notice of Specific Consents
- Key Information Document - CFD on a Forex currency pair (valid as of 23.11.2023)
- Key Information Document - CFD on a Forex currency pair (valid as of 05.08.2021)
- Key Information Document - CFD on an Index (valid as of 23.11.2023)
- Key Information Document - CFD on an Index (valid as of 05.08.2021)
- Key Information Document - CFD on a Commodity (valid as of 23.11.2023)
- Key Information Document - CFD on a Commodity (valid as of 05.08.2021)
- Key Information Document - CFD on an Equity (valid as of 23.11.2023)
- Key Information Document - CFD on an Equity (valid as of 05.08.2021)
- Key Information Document - CFD on a Bond (valid as of 23.11.2023)
- Key Information Document - CFD on a Bond (valid as of 05.08.2021)
- Key Information Document - CFD on a Cryptocurrency (valid as of 23.11.2023)
- Key Information Document - CFD on a Cryptocurrency (valid as of 05.08.2021)
- Key Information Document - CFD on an Exchange-traded Fund (valid as of 23.11.2023)
- Key Information Document - CFD on an Exchange-traded Fund (valid as of 05.08.2021)
- Risk Management Disclosures 2013
- Risk Management Disclosures 2014
- Risk Management Disclosures 2015
- Risk Management Disclosures 2016
- Risk Management Disclosures 2017
- Risk Management Disclosures 2018
- Risk Management Disclosures 2019
- Risk Management Disclosures 2020
- Terms of Use of the SMS Notification Service (valid as of 23.11.2023)
- Terms of Use of the SMS Notification Service
- Execution Quality Summary Statement (30.04.2019) (ENG)
- Execution Quality Summary Statement (15.06.2020) (ENG)
- Execution Quality Summary Statement (30.04.2021) (ENG)
- Execution Quality Summary Statement (30.04.2022) (ENG)
- Execution report for the 4th quarter of 2022 (RTS 27)
- Terms of Securities Trading (valid as of 23.11.2023)
- Terms of Securities Trading (valid as of 28.06.2023)
- Terms of Securities Trading
- Fractional Shares and Fractional ETFs Trading Disclosure (valid as of 23.11.2023)
- Fractional Shares and Fractional ETFs Trading Disclosure (valid as of 08.08.2023)
- Fractional Shares Trading Disclosure
- Disclosures and Market Discipline